Montag, 29. April 2024

peterhelmwww seo

bloGspOt 3840 imagine bloGspOt 3840 dweed peterhelmwww seo
HP seo
neckar seo
new york seo
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Colours Natural & Painted

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NSU 1950

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‚Reichsbürger‘ Mammutprozeß in Stuttgart sturgardde

reichsbürger justiz sturgardde bloGspOt 3836 dweed In Stuttgart startet der erste von drei Mammutprozessen gegen terrorverdächtige »Reichsbürger«, die mutmaßlich die Bundesregierung stürzen wollten. Zum Auftakt beantragte die Verteidigung die Einstellung des Verfahrens – ohne Erfolg.

Samstag, 27. April 2024

Peter Helm Eberbach Neckar River Deep Mountain High :::: SAXA LOQUUNTUR

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ArtS SeS. AnteS

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GUTENBERG arts ses

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Gouverneurin von South Dakota und potentielle Trump-Vize prahlt im US-Wahlkampf mit Tötung ihrer 14 Monate alten Deutsch-Drahthaar Jagdhündin

bloGspOt 3831 south dakota bloGspOt dweed

Freitag, 26. April 2024

Meta SUGAR 452 EUR 26.4.24 483,22 USD

bloGspOt 3830 dweed bloGspOt Aktie stürzt ab Meta will bis zu 45 Milliarden Dollar in KI investieren Meta-Chef Mark Zuckerberg will in diesem Jahr bis zu 45 Milliarden Dollar in KI investieren, um zur Konkurrenz aufzuschließen. Der Ausblick ist mau, die Aktie stürzt trotz Verdopplung des Gewinns in der Spitze um fast ein Fünftel ab. 25.04.2024, 08.48 Uhr Artikel zum Hören•3 Min Anhören Zur Merkliste hinzufügen LinkedIn Xing Weitere Optionen zum Teilen Teure Aufholjagd: Mark Zuckerberg will Meta zur Nummer 1 beim Thema KI machen. Dafür sind wohl rund 100 Milliarden Dollar Investitionen nötig, allein 45 Milliarden Dollar in diesem Jahr Bild vergrößern Teure Aufholjagd: Mark Zuckerberg will Meta zur Nummer 1 beim Thema KI machen. Dafür sind wohl rund 100 Milliarden Dollar Investitionen nötig, allein 45 Milliarden Dollar in diesem Jahr Foto: Bonnie Cash / UPI Photo / IMAGO Meta-Chef Mark Zuckerberg (39) will seinen Facebook-Konzern Meta zur Nummer eins bei künstlicher Intelligenz machen. Der hauseigene Assistent Meta AI solle zum „weltweit führenden KI-Dienst sowohl bei der Qualität als auch bei der Nutzung werden“, verkündete der Facebook-Gründer am Mittwochabend nach Bekanntgabe der Quartalszahlen. Strategie zum Frühstück Die neuesten Werkzeuge und Methoden aus der Management­forschung – das Strategie-Update des Harvard Business managers. # Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren Zugleich stimmte Zuckerberg die Anleger darauf ein, dass die KI-Offensive mit Investitionen in Software und Technik sehr teuer werde – es aber Jahre dauern könnte, bis der Konzern damit Geld verdient. Die milliardenschweren Ausgaben zur Entwicklung von (KI) werden sich für Meta daher vorerst nicht in einem Wachstumsschub niederschlagen. Zudem schraubte Meta die Investitionsprognosen hoch. Anleger reagierten enttäuscht. Die Aktien des US-Konzerns, der sein 20-jähriges Jubiläum feiert, stürzten daraufhin im nachbörslichen US-Geschäft um bis zu 19 Prozent ab. Dies war der größte Kursrutsch seit eineinhalb Jahren. Im Sog von Meta büßten auch der Snapchat-Betreiber Snap rund 5 Prozent und die Google-Mutter Alphabet mehr als 3 Prozent ein.

Heinz Becker SCHATZ

bloGspot 3829 heinz becker 'schatz' bloGspOt dweed

Heinz Becker erzählt einen Traum

bloGspOt 3828 heinz becker 'traum' bloGspOt dweed

Donnerstag, 25. April 2024

Bf 109 G-6 emergency landing on Malta after engine trouble. May 5th 1943

bloGspOt 3827 Günther Hannak . successful belly-land bloGspOt dweed
GP-IZ, W.Nr. 18046, flown by Oberleutnant Günther Hannak, 7./JG 27, San Pietro/Sicily/Italy, 5 May 1943 It was on Sicily that Wehrmacht awaited the Allied invasion of Europe. The Germans undertook frequent aerial reconnaissance in the surrounding region and during one of these missions Hptm. Gunther Hannak, the Staffelkapitän of 7./JG 27, had to make an emergency landing on Malta after engine trouble. This Experte with 47 victories and holder of the Ritterkreuz was taken prisoner. According to the British, Hannak was thereby the only German pilot successfully belly-land his aircraft on this island. After putting down his G-6 he was promptly taken prisoner and Hannak´s interrogator subsequently recorded: "The pilot took-off from Biscay at about 12:15 hours with his Staffel of a total of 10 aircraft. Their mission was to make a reconnaissance mission over Malta. This day he was flying the aircraft of another member in his Staffel as his aircraft was unserviceable. The Bf 109 G-6 trop flown by him was new and had arrived to their base earlier that day. The formation flew more or less due south and made landfall approximately over Comino at about 6800 meters height. It was at this point the pilot noticed that the cockpit was filling with smoke and oil was splashing on his windscreen. He estimated that his speed at that time was 500 km/h. The aircraft continued crossing the island and when over the sea Hannak realized it was hopeless to continue. He jettisoned his cockpit, which also carried away his oxygen mask, and he had a temporary black-out. When he came-to he had lost height to about 5000 meters. He then cut out the engine and circled over the sea. Finding that the engine would no longer work when he tried to cut it in again. He then picked the largest airbase he could see and glided down with wheels up. " An official British caption to a photograph that was provided six days later on 11 May read: "Malta´s ack-ack destroyed German fighter". The rest of the text read: "A Messerschmitt 109 G, hit by ack-ack fire over Malta and forced to crash-land, lies almost intact in a field on the island. The pilot, who was held the Iron Cross, First Class was uninjured and was taken prisoner". Günther Hannak was a long serving member of the Jagdwaffe who scored his first victory ­ a Blenheim ­ over Larissa, Greece, during the Balkan Campaign. At that time he was a member of I.(J)/LG 2 and as a Oberfeldwebel he would shot down another two RAF aircraft over Greece, a Spitfire and another Blenheim. Later posted to the East he would increase his score with four VVS aircraft during 1941. After his Gruppe was incorporated into I./JG 77, now as a Leutnant Hannak would add another 38 confirmed victories in the East, and on several days scoring multiple kills. On 1 July 1942 he received the Ritterkruz and promoted to Oberleutnant. He was then posted to III./JG 27 as the new Staffelkapitän of the 7. Staffel. Flying from Sicily he would claim his last two Abschüsse of the war on 12 April 1943, both Spitfires shot down south of Cape Passero. With a total of 47 confirmed victories in around 300 missions Hptm. Gunther Hannak would spend the rest of the war as a prisoner of war. His new Bf 109, G-6 trop is devoid of any unit markings, with just its barely perceptible four-letter Stammkennzeichen (factory radio code) "GP-IZ" on the fuselage sides. These were applied with a water-based black paint that was easily removed prior to the application of unit markings.

10cc Look Hear?

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