Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2019

Freud receives on his 70th birthday Various honours

Freud dreaming of his 70th birthday

1856-1858Sigismund Freud is born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia (now Pribor in the Czech Republic).
1859-1865The Freuds move to Vienna in 1860.
1866-1872Freud begins a friendship with his classmate Eduard Silberstein.
1873-1875In 1873 Freud passes his Matura (school leaving certificate) and enters Vienna University.
1876-1880Freud studies under Claus and Bruecke.
1881-1882In 1881 Freud qualifies as doctor of medicine.
1882-1883Freud is employed as doctor at Theodor Meynert's Psychiatric Clinic.
1884-1885Freud researches the medicinal effects of coca.
1886Marriage to Martha Bernays.
1887-1888Freud becomes interested in hypnotherapy.
1889-1890Beginning of friendship with Wilhelm Fliess.
1891-1892Move to Berggasse 19.
1893-1894Works together with Josef Breuer on Studies in Hysteria.
1895Freud manages for the first time to analyse one of his own dreams.
1896Freud's first use of the term "psychoanalysis".
1897Freud begins his self-analysis.
1898Publishes The Psychical Mechanism of Forgetting.
1899-1900The first copies of The Interpretation of Dreamsappear, post- dated 1900.
1901Freud begins the analysis of the eighteen-year-old Dora.
1902Founding of the Wednesday Psychological Society.
1903Wilhelm Fliess and Freud meet for the last time in Vienna.
1904Together with his brother Alexander he travels for the first time to Athens.
1905Three Essays on the Theory of SexualityJokes and their Relation to the Unconscious and Fragments of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria ('Dora') appear.
1906C.G. Jung begins his correspondence with Freud.
1907Publication of Delusion and Dreams in W. Jensen's 'Gradiva'.
1908The First Congress of "Freudian Psychology" takes place in Salzburg.
1909Journey to America.
1910Founding of the International Psychoanalytical Association
1911Alfred Adler resigns from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.
1912Founding of the psychoanalytical journal Imago.
1913Break with C.G. Jung.
1914Outbreak of the First World War.
1915Visit of Rainer Maria Rilke.
1916The first part of Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis appears.
1917Georg Groddeck joins the psychoanalytical movement.
1918Freud loses his entire fortune which was tied up in Austrian State Bonds.
1919The International Psychoanalytical Press is founded in Vienna
1920The English language journal International Journal of Psycho-Analysis is founded.
1921André Breton visits Freud in Vienna.
1922Freud is working on A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis.
1923The first signs of Freud's oral cancer are detected.
1924A conflict with Otto Rank over the meaning of the birth trauma breaks out in psychoanalysis.
1925The first volumes of Freud's Collected Works appears.
1926On his 70th birthday Freud receives various honours.
1927An election announcement for the Viennese Social Democrats co- signed by Freud appears in the Arbeiter Zeitung.
1928Dorothy Burlingham gives Freud a chow bitch called Lun Yug.
1929Arnold Zweig publishes an essay entitled Freud and Humankind in which he celebrates Freud as a liberator from religious and pathological terror.
1930A heart attack forces Freud to give up smoking.
1931The financial situation of the International Psychoanalytical Press become critical. Freud appeals for help from the psychoanalytical organisations.
1932In order to give financial assistance to the International Psychoanalytical Press, he writes the New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis.
1933Hitler becomes Reichs Chancellor.
Freud corresponds with Einstein on the question "Why War?".
1934The 13th International Psychoanalytical Congress takes place at Lucerne. Numerous German analysts have by now been forced to emigrate.
1935Freud is elected Honorary Member of the British Royal Society of Medicine.
1936Thomas Mann gives a celebratory address in the Concert Hall on "Freud and the Future".
1937Together with Dorothy Burlingham Anna Freud opens the "Jackson Nursery" on the Rudolfsplatz, a kindergarten in which she can begin her study of aspects of infant behaviour.
1938The Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg is forced by Hitler to resign. Austria is annexed to the German Reich on 13th March.
A wave of political arrests and antisemitic persecution breaks out. Freud's apartment and the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society are searched. Anna Freud is held for a day by the Gestapo for questioning.
1939On 23rd September Freud dies in London.

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