Samstag, 28. Oktober 2023

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MARKETING :: ART JEAN PARISOT (SOLD) Fine Etching Expl. XXVII d'un tirage de quarante-huit expl. sur ce papier filigrané DOMINIQUE VIVANT DENON 1747-1825 ART & MARKET HELM_EBERBACH onlineContact roi.sem.seo SES MARITIME.NAVAL MEDITERRANEUM PORTRAIT MALTA KNIGHTS RITTERORDEN Jean Parisot de la Valette DOMINIQUE VIVANT DENON Etching Inventaire Louvre: not listed SOLD . W.Y.O. Masterprint A SATYRICAL PIECETHE CHIEF GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE BALDINI? . W.Y.O. Masterprint SULEYMAN II THE MAGNIFICENT Turkish Emperor Etching by Jerôme Hopfer (1500-1563) ORTELIUS MAP c. 1600. W.Y.O. MASTERPRINT Baccio Baldini (c.1436-Firenze-1487) ORTELIUS MAP c. 1600. W.Y.O. MASTERPRINT ISRAEL VAN MECKENEM (c.1450-Bocholt-1503) HOMANN MAP 1762 . MASTERPRINT CONVOI SHIP Rare Etching by Bruno Goldschmitt In Grand Folio Remarques Expl. VII/25 EXPL VII/25 Remarques Entitled.Signed in Pencil Provenance: Fingerle Art Publishers.Esslingen&Stuttgart . JOHN STOCKDALE.LONDON PICCADILLY 1800 MEDITERRANEAN CHARTS COMINO.GOZO.MALTA.SICILY Gozo.Cap di Mitrie. Castle.Malta Cite Vielle.Bosquet.Tour de Granville.Calle de Marsa Siroc.Calle S.Julien.Calle St.Paul 0700 HELM POLY JOHN STOCKDALE.LONDON Kupferstich 1800 LA VALETTA PLAN direct WWW 3billionX DOMINIQUE VIVANT DENON (1747-1825) Acquaforte Maltese Skipper Patron de Barque maltaise Louvre 246 marketing network.public relations roi.sem.seo 0700POLYGRAF . since 1980 :: semper apertus DENON (1747-1825) Eau forte Maltese Sailor Petit Matelot tenant une pipe de lesbos de la main gauche Louvre 141 :: SEA GODS ALLEGORICAL PRINT Pierre Brebiette inv. et fecit 17th century Printmaker Basan Print.Paris . ANGELO EMO VENEZIA 1731-1792 MALTA / VENEZIA ANGELO EMO(1731-1792) VENETIAN ADMIRAL Allegorical Portrait of Angelo Emo Aux Vénitiens Sujet allégorique pour le procurateur Emo FRENCH MASTERPRINT Louvre Inventaire 121 . RARE PORTRAIT PRINT SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON (1731-1803) British Envoy at Naples, Ministre d'Angleterre à Naples FINE ETCHING SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON (1731-1803) Sir William Hamilton On his Palazzo Sessa Terrace at Naples Reading The Antiquities Masterprint c.1800 . FINE PORTRAIT PRINT LADY HAMILTON Emma Hart - Emma Lyon Not listed in Louvre Inventaire. MASTERPRINT. LADY HAMILTON AS GODDESS DIANA Fine Portrait Etching Louvre Inventaire 230. Two seated Women LADY HAMILTON Emma Lyon Poses of Mrs. Hamilton Etching Louvre Inventaire 127 . NAPOLEON Lithographie Prise de Malte 1798 . MASTERPRINT THOMAS WORLIDGE (1700-1766) Etching MAHOMET A Turkish Merchant Taken by the Corsairs,made a slave at Malta. Escaped in a Dutch Vessel from thence came to England Not listed by Nagler . cf. Godfrey Wettinger Slavery on the Island of Malta & Gozo 1000-1812 . MASTERPRINT THOMAS WORLIDGE (1700-1766) Rare Etching HAMET Companion to Mahomet Taken Prisoner at Malta and Escaped with Mahomet Nagler No.27 Seltenes Blatt :: Etchings by Thomas Worlidge in the Piazza Covent Garden.London Printed by Gold & Walton,24,Wardour Street,London Published by C.G.DYER,55,Old Compton Street,Soho :: always at your service PHILIPPE VILLIERS DE L'ISLE ADAM KING SEO . W.Y.O. MASTERPRINT A PAX Maso Finiguerra (1424-Firenze-1466) . all rights strictly reserved PIERRE le CASQUE VIOLA le LAVANDOU FERRY EXP GOOG 1980 PETER HELM 0700KUNST POLYGRAPHICUM catalogues excerpt 2011 lex net 2012 2013 2021 2022 PWP Polygraphicum.Polygraficum WEB ARCHIVES HELM&HELM 06263-276 at the helm 1980-2021-2023 GOOGLE1st WEB ARCHIVES BlogSpot 0700POLYGRAF BlogTitle Service 1 EXPERT acquisition commission sales authentication research recherche valuation Service 2 SALES fine arts masterprints rare books fine bindings Service 3 SERVICES Conservation recherche research Restauro archive at the helm web <> <>

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