Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021
ISOLDE MONSON-BAUMGART Nizza Für Peter Helm Fine Gouache Watercolour Design Leaf
Gezeichnet, geschnitten und in mehreren Farben in kleiner Auflage gedruckt
von Prof. James Monson . Nizza
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Dear Jim and Isolde,
receiving your letter-card of 04.01.2001 , I would like to answer your questions on Jean-Michel Papillon etc.If one reads all principal sources where he is to be found, there remain indeed some mysteries about his life and work.He is very lively discussed and not free of strong critics.Beside his technical abilities he seems to have had some good fantasy on his personal rank and artistic value.His success and becoming famous brought against him some grudgers.Especially the fact that his woodcuts were placed together with the copper-engravings of the best artists of that time, in the best publications of the French Illustrated Book of the century. His 'Recueil des Papillons' presented by himself to the Bibliotheque Royale consists of more than 5000 pieces, and his Title and head pieces for the 1727/1745 published Petits Almanachs de Paris were called after him 'papillons'.Jean Adhémar in his standard-work 'La Gravure originale au 18e siècle, states that Papillon wanted to become artist as child already and at the age of nine cutted copies after Callot and Israel Silvestre.He had to do this behind his fathers back.At the age of seventeen he started to cut heraldics, flower-garlands and head & tail-pieces for Paris Book Traders.His job inspired him to work up to be knocked out.His most famous works and wood-cut masterpieces became his final cuts of the well-known and celebrated Oudry edition of the La Fontaine Fables in Paris 1755-59.Cut together with Nicolas Le Sueur after the designs of Bachelier.This series of woodcuts and designs were famous enough so that Bachelier himself brought out another production of this designs.This time engraved and etched on copper by P.P.Choffard, c.1760 at Veuve Chereau, rue St.Jacques au Piliers d'Or.Announced in four suites, but realised were finally only two.This information is from:Das Buch als Kunstwerk,Franzoesische Buecher aus der Bibliothek Hans Fuerstenberg.Ausstellung Schloss Ludwigsburg 1965.Katalog Nr.20.Last not least Papillon became well-known by his Traité historique et pratique de la gravure en bois.Paris 1766.Even if heavily discussed because of some uncorrectness,in general today accepted as interesting source of reference.I like it, and read sometimes in it.There are many hidden informations and marvellous small cuts by his hand all over its pages.I came by chance about this collection of cuts, which was in a large portfolio of works.On verso is always printed text to be found.Single prints without text on verso are not known.By the way this Oudry Edition was a financial desaster for the Publisher.Only with the King's personal help it became possible to complete the volume.Immense Paper costs and paying c. forty engravers under the direction of Cochin for about five years were huge financial efforts to be made.Nevertheless this Masterpiece promptly became a classic to be copied in countless French paintings, carvings and tapestries, and later book productions.Still today this Oeuvre is a highlight of every Rare Book Sale worldwide.At the end of my letter I will make an excursion to Papillons Traité Supplement, diving into the pleasing and interesting titles, cuts and notes of this 124-pages volume.
In memory of your love of Jean-Pierre Norblins miniature etchings, I will pay attention to a leaf of cuts on verso and recto by Papillon between page 20 and 23.It shows recto a set of 12 woodcuts of biblical scenes.Each c. 18/33 mm .Verso a set of 'Sternzeichen' each cut depicting Putti with the animals of the monthly sign in a vivid scene.Each one 15/43 mm in size.Above both sets is placed a small fine head-piece in allegory or with symbolizing figures.Very fascinating woodcuts at the technical limit of miniture cutting on wood.I think pages 27-44 show interesting examples of personal correspondance between Papillon and Jean-Baptiste Oudry (dated 27.4.1733).And Père du Halde.Jésuite and Expert of Asia and China.(dated 5.6.1735), Comte de Tourrettes-Villeneuve (dated 10.9.1752), Marquis de Bandol (dated 1766), J.N.Vatar Imprimeur du Roi (dated 6.1.1767), Cochin (dated 25.3.1767), etc.
All over interesting correspondance , especially the letters with du Halde touching the impression and engraving on wood in China. Pages 45-69 include some chapters with seducing headlines and head-pieces, like
PRATIQUE ...De creuser & préparer le bois pour graver les lointins & les parties éclairées.With fine woodcuts of instruments as Grattoirs à Éffacer et à Creuser.
MANIÈRE DE GRATTER ...Les tailles déjà gravées pour les rendire plus fortes, afin de les faire ombrer davantage.With fine large cut of instruments as 'Grattoire à Ombrer'.
METHODE...Pour bien imprimer les endroits creusés de la gravure en bois.With illustrations.
MANIÈRE DE BOMBER...Les planches de bois pour empêcher la gravure, principalement les fleurons ou culs-de-lampes, de pocher & de s'écraser sur les bords en imprimant.With illustrations.
NOUVELLES INSTRUCTIONS...Touchant l'Ésprit de la Gravure.With Illustrations.
On page 69 follows an 'Explication des cinq Estampes pour l'Almanach projetté de la Loterie Electorale Palatine à Mannheim'.Up to page 73. I sold this very rare Almanach some time ago to a Private Archive Collection. It was printed at Mannheim in 1770 by the Printing Room of the Loterie Palatine of Kurfuerst Carl-Theodor. And I was very happy to find these explications on the projected cuts, which were consequently realized indeed. Pages 74 to 81 follow two other inviting chapters for the interested reader :
DÉCOUVERTE CURIEUSE...Qui étant perfectionné, pourroit produire des estampes gravées en bois, aussi belles que les plus agéables de la gravure en bois qui auroit beaucoup tiré, & dont les tailles se pâteroient ou se boucheroient d'encre.With illustrations.
ARRÊTS EN FAVEUR DES...Dominotiers-Tailleurs d'histoires, & autres en faveur de la gravure des estampes, tant en bois qu'en cuivre. etc.,etc. etc....
Even if you were slightly kidding and showing a little understatement with words as 'completely unknown to me' and 'this mysterious Monsieur Papillon', it was a great pleasure and good exercise for me to try the best possible answer and documentation for you and your two prints. It's a long time that you brought me elegant and diplomatically to write a lot on this famous Messieurs. Papillon, both Father and Son would possibly have enjoyed it.
Biographical Data : Jean-Michel Papillon (Jean-Baptiste Michel I) 2.6.1698-Paris-June 1776
His Traité was commentated extensively in Chattos Treatise on Wood-Engraving with plates by J.Jackson.London 1839
Kind regards
C° Copyright.2001 POLYGRAPHICUM HELM EBERBACH. All rights strictly reserved
Gravé et signé par
Maître Jean-Michel Papillon. Paris c.1750
Imprimé par P. Thevenard .Imprimeur du Roi & J. B. Duterte . Paris 1755-59
Un lis élevé, prêt à donner de nouvelles fleurs, sort de deux palmes, & se trouve accompagné de deux branches,
l'une d'olivier & l'autre de laurier.
Ceci forme une espece de faisceau ceint d'une banderole, chargé de fruits, de fleurs, & d'une
guirlande de même qui en réunit toutes les parties.
Le Peintre ayant en vue la Famille royale, a voulu exprimer par cette allusion pittoresque & agréable l'affermissement du sceptre
entre les mains des Bourbons, la gloire & le bonheur du regne de Louis XV
cf. SAUR AKL et SAUR BBI, Thieme-Becker etc.
cf. WINTER/WEINREICH p.155, fig.15
Collection Professor James Monson Nizza
Maître Jean-Michel Papillon sculpsit. Paris c. 1750
Imprimé par P. Thevenard.Imprimeur du Roi & J. B. Duterte. Paris 1755-59
Une riche corne d'abondance, d'ou sortent des gerbes chargées d'épis, & des branches de vigne chargées de raisins.
Ces fruits précieux recoivent l'hommage des différentes fleurs, qui s'y entremêlent & et qu'ils embelissent
cf. SAUR AKL et SAUR BBI, Thieme-Becker etc.
cf. KRISTELLER Kupferstich und Holzschnitt in vier Jahrhunderten. Berlin, Bruno Cassirer 1905 Mit Abbildungen
cf. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY European Graphic Arts Department of Rare Books & Special Collections
Collection Professor Jim Monson . Nice. France
Une corbeille de fleurs dans le genre pastorale
J.-M. Papillon. Paris c.1750
Imprimé par P. Thevenard. Imprimeur du Roi & J. B. Duterte. Paris 1755-59
Une corbeille remplie de divers es fleurs : une houlette, ornée d'un ruban noué galamment vers le haut y est attachée,
& caractérise un tribut ou l'offrande d'un Berger
cf. SAUR AKL et SAUR BBI, Thieme-Becker etc.
cf. KRISTELLER Kupferstich und Holzschnitt in vier Jahrhunderten. Berlin. Bruno Cassirer 1905. Mit Abbildungen
Collection Professor James Monson Nizza.France
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